Practice for Wellbeing, Massage & Fascia therapy
What does a healthy lifestyle mean for me? To me being healthy is first of all feeling happy and balanced. In order to create and maintain those feelings your body and mind have to be synchronized and well balanced respecting the laws of nature were our bodies and minds function as a psychosomatic unit.
In our current society we mostly live far away from this principle creating a disbalance which in turn generates into all kind of ailments and pains. By undertaking small steps and adapting your lifestyle balance can be restored in order for you to be able to live your life with full potential.
I am a proffesional and certified therapist who followed a four year course. I have over 10 years of experiendce and I can understand the way our bodies function very well. Prior to each session or massage I do a body reading so that I can tailor the massage to the specific needs of the person.